p:unarchive 007 (AB)

Tests p:unarchive: Test XC0081 or XC0085 is raised, if source is not a zip.

Test ab-unarchive-007.xml is expected to fail with one of the following error codes: err:XC0081 or err:XC0085.

The pipeline

<p:declare-step xmlns:err="http://www.w3.org/ns/xproc-error" xmlns:p="http://www.w3.org/ns/xproc" name="pipeline" version="3.0">
   <p:output port="result"/>
   <p:unarchive format="zip">
MorganaXProc passing XML Calabash passing

Revision history

01 May 2024, Norm Tovey-Walsh

Allow err:XC0081 as a passing result.

20 Dec 2019, Achim Berndzen

Changed error code from C0081->C0085

25 Aug 2019, Achim Berndzen

Initial tests for p:unarchive